April Newsletter


Like hell we'd be bought out by Google™.
Let alone give in to such stupid commands.

If you're late to the party, read the fake email below sent out to all members.


Amazing news nolifers™!

We have officially been bought out by Google™!

They sent us an email last week, and I quickly approved and signed the contracts today.
Here is what this entails towards you as members;

"Dear Van, Thank you for your cooperation, TheNLC™ will be placed in good hands.
Please forwards this to all members. As stated below are the new requirements for them;

  • They must now be at least 17, younger members will be instantly removed.
  • No first names must be given, only last names and first initials.
  • The forums will be closed until future notice
  • The blog will be taken over by the same people that write the YouTube™ blog.
  • The terms, NoLifers™, TheNLC™ NoLifeClub™ and YouNLC™ are not to be used without trademark symbols from now on.
  • Members joining after January 5th 2009 will have their information disclosed to third party companies as written in their contract.
  • Current owners are let go, but will be given a 159% payment of their overall income from the club.
  • Managers, or artists are to be given a fair trial if we will need them.
  • TheNLC.com. NoLifeClub.com, TheNoLifeClub.com, will be renamed to a single NLC.google.com after April 2010
  • Natallie, will be given a 500,000$ settlement or the option of continuing to work for us.
For more information, please go to http://www.thenlc.com/Google.php

Thank You,
Frank Ziepermen
Google™ Inc.

Personally, I think he has great tastes and will make this club awesome!
Like he said please go to http://www.thenlc.com/Google.php for more information.
There's quite a bit more for you all to read.

Good luck everyone.
I guess this is the end. No more newsletters or anything from me or Natallie.
So consider this the April Newsletter.
I'm going to fukken maui!

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