Hello. Natallie is out for the next month on leave.
She hasn't taken a day off in nearly four years.
Her kid has herpes .. or chicken pox.
I can't remember which.
Doesn't matter. I'm Van and I'll be taking over.
Behind the scenes for the past year or so, being the main website builder.
Khylen along with myself are the soul creators of the Club.
Natallie was brought in afterwards for other reasons.
(Female face, big rack, someone over 17 to be the legal person.)Read below for some current ideas and other points we are going after.
Xbox: Me, Ari and some members have xBox Live accounts.
Along with COD, L4D2 and more. Send an email
here and give us your gamer tag.
Comics: What better way to use the site then comics?
Over the summer we'll be looking into making comics about the site.
Avatars/Own pages:This one is tricky with our current host.
We can't do this right now. We would need a brand new site code,
along with many servers, none which any of us can afford.
Selling your emails:I thought about this, but I'm not a dick.
Selling products:We have a CafePress, with products. But we need something new and awesome.
A different shop maybe, we can't do etsy because that requires us to make the stuff...
DeviantArt:I started a group on there, and then forgot about it.
If you want to join go
The channel is quite dead, forget about it now, and when an update comes you'll just be more excited.
Are you even still reading this?If you are then, I'm redoing the coding on the club for a sleeker look (again)
and there is much help needed with ideas and planning. Comment here with ideas!